2019-2020 Officers
President: Rachel Knak
About Rachel K.
Vice President: Rachel Oliver
About Rachel O: My research interests are statistics on manifolds, nonparametric statistics, bayesian statistics, and machine learning. My hobbies are baking bread and pies, hiking, crochet, and music (flute and singing). I also am a big fan of Harry Potter (Ravenclaw), Star Trek and Doctor Who (and dressing my two-year old in costumes). :)Secretary: Hannah Biegel
About Hannah: I am currently a 5th year graduate student in the math program. My research area is mathematical biology with an emphasis in disease forecasting. I am currently studying the spread of seasonal influenza in the United States. In particular, I use data assimilation methods to predict the course of the flu season in real time. Website: http://math.arizona.edu/~hbiegel/
Treasurer: Jocelyn Rios
About Jocelyn: I am a 3rd year graduate student in the pure math program, however my area of research is in math education. I am interested in issues of equity in undergraduate math education and the teaching and learning of abstract algebra. In my spare time I like to travel, cook, be outdoors, and spend time with my family!